Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The power of special interests

We no longer have a democracy in the United States of America. We are closer to a bureaucracy at this point, one kept in check and run by the elite, feeding off of a trusting and ignorant public. Special interests from the elite continue to influence congressional decisions, impact the direction and outcome of our economy, sway the opinions of the general public and continue to destroy our once functioning democracy. While the uncapped potential fanaticized about in the American Dream sounds appealing, the reality is far darker than often spoken. We have proven as a society unable to manage ourselves ethically in an unregulated manner. We now are managed by the elite.

A fitting example of this is found in the world of student loans. I was unaware but unsurprised to learn of the influence that special interests have had on the financial aid process. It is a glaring illustration of our economy gone wrong, as the article by Liz Pulliam Weston details, linked at the end of the paragraph. How can we allow businesses and individuals to pay for special privileges, to sidestep the competitive balance this nation was founded on, in the name of their own personal profit? College students, ones already financially challenged, are falling prey to lurking corporate money mongers who provide no societal worth, who are capitalizing off of a system meant as a public service. Student loan officers have admitted receiving special gifts, stock options and consulting fees from private lenders to steer students towards private loans, when subsidized federal loans with a lower interest rate were available. This is the result of an unregulated market: each for themself with no care for another.

This is just another example among many of how special interests are destroying our society and democracy. Our congressmen are continually showered with gifts and donations from various groups, which directly impact their congressional decisions. Entire campaigns are funded by outside forces hoping to cash in once that candidate is in power. Innocent citizens are taken of their money through deceptive, under the table business practices. This is collusion. If we allow our economy to continue unregulated, these types of abuses will continue to occur. We need a regulated economy. I'm not talking communism, but there are numerous markets that need to be taken out of the private sector and nationalized for the public good. We need to forcefully lessen the gap between the rich and the rest, creating an environment in which special interests cannot thrive. Higher taxes for the elite are a must. We need the court of law to become the court of common sense, to recognize and punish individuals who are attempting to manipulate the system for their own personal good. We need a complete overhaul of the American mindset. The fact is, money and elitism have stolen Democracy.

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