Monday, March 24, 2008

Shifting gears

I would like to call attention to the first posting I made for this site defining my overall objective. From June of 2007:

I envision this blog to be a series of essays and commentaries on matters of grave importance affecting the present and future state of the economical machine America. I am fascinated with the concept of the American Dream in regards to the nightmare it has become for the ones who support it's existence, and furthermore for how real of a dream it may actually be for the ones who do currently prosper. I do not see our position as the leading global power lasting forever, and feel that our time at the top may be nearer than further to an end, especially with the abuses that occur globally and nationally to support the pursuit of the American Dream. I will delve into accepted thought and offer a revisionist's view on the current state of affairs, highlighting the wrongs that come from the unchecked pursuit of wealth and material gain. This blog will serve as a watchdog over the abuses that stem from the elite, and in general, as a watchdog over the under reported issues normally ignored by the rating inspired media conglomerates. I will hold those accountable whose pursuits encroach upon the personal liberties of others, and illustrate the interconnectivity of the seemingly separate issues affecting our society. I invite you to become a part of a revolution and help push money aside in pursuit of the truth. Education is our only hope.

I recognize the value of journalism, the process of informing the public what is occurring in the surrounding world through objective reporting, and when I began this site I envisioned this form of journalism as being a way to affect change by looking at issues from a revisionist perspective. But I have recently come to the conclusion that calling for change and making change happen are two entirely different things, and we are much more in need of the latter.

I will continue to post from time and again on here, when something strikes me as essential to revise, but for the time being my twice a week pace will more than likely be reduced to once per month. I am undertaking a new project, one involving a series of documentaries surrounding a revolutionary concept I will discuss on here once the project in further along.

I bring up my first posting because of the following line from above:

"I will hold those accountable whose pursuits encroach upon the personal liberties of others"

That is the overall plan.

Check back once per month. I'll shoot for the first.

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