Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A call to the American people

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears" If only it were that simple, to be heard by so many at once...

What in the name of capitalism's going on here? As our economy continues to consume itself to the benefit and delight of our morally corrupt ruling class, I would like to call attention to the absurdity this bailout package is in light of all the anti-socialist propaganda that has brainwashed this country during and since the Red Scare. And you were afraid of Socialists! This is the government controlling the free market, is it not? This is our government encroaching upon our freedom, no? It's not the absurdity of the bailout package that bothers me most, but fact that our government has simply dictated it's need. See that's the problem; there isn't one. It's the rich who are faltering, not you and I, as this is simply an example of rich, powerful people lobbying for the interests of rich, powerful people. In fact this reaction by our government is the very opposite of what logically should happen, but the elitist capitalists running this show are directing the money towards the upper class and away from the poor, surprise, rewarding failed institutions, which by no coincidence generated enormous profits for the parasites that fed off them as they were driven into the ground. There are no get out of jail free cards in free market capitalism, but our government is now printing them up by the billions and that should infuriate and enrage every single American.

Think about it, the logical solution here that would make the most sense and help the greatest amount of people would be to pump that money into the poor, out of work, starving families that make up the most basic levels of our economy and society. Pump that money into the basic infrastructure of our lower classes and allow that money to trickle up, which makes much more sense than trickle down economics as it has to trickle up (as trickle down economics is dependent on the actions and interests of the rich, not on the certainty inherent in the trickle up concept). Give a greater amount of people a greater amount of purchasing power and allow the companies that failed to actually fail and assume the debt. By bailing out these irresponsible companies such destructive capitalistic tendencies will only be reinforced. The public has been brainwashed to believe that without investments by the rich and powerful our economy cannot survive ,but this, in fact, is false. The rich used to become poor when they mismanaged their business, as the capitalist market consumed them, but now that the rich have in fact taken to congressionally protecting their own asses, they have in essence altered the rules of capitalism to favor one class, their own, and are now attempting to pocket taxpayer money using pure political rhetoric. Make no mistake, Congress is stealing from us, this bailout is just a facade. But then again, so is this whole “election”!

Voting Republican or Democrat; now that's wasting a vote


Anonymous said...

Good to see you are still alive and kicking. I tend to agree with many of your points, there needs to be greater regulation. However i do not have any faith in most of these "lower class" citizens. Since i myself fall in that category. I feel im part of the minority however, as im able to save my money, and make smart financial decisions. I dont believe money trickles up, or down. The wealthy have one major advantage, they can waste away much of their money, and still have something left over. Insane credit debts have proven that there is a major flaw in the way we lend money. There are upper to middle class individuals who are losing their homes, businesses and so forth. Not because the rich are robbing them, but because their poor choices have landed them in financial trouble. I dont want to see the rich grow richer, but i want to see the youtube generation open its eyes. We as Americans have grown soft, we forget the days when money was there to support families.. pay bills.. and invest for the future. Hard work has been replaced by Unions, savings have been replaced by credit cards and skyrocketing debts. There is no longer an accountability.. not for the rich society, and not for the poor.

Anyways, just my little rant. Probably doesn't amount to much, but its all i've got :D

http://libbytalk.blogspot.com/ said...




Hey, are you still following this Libby stuff?

Surely, you heard about the trial in Missoula, Mt, and how they let WR Grace walk. And now about the 'Public Health Emergency'

I am very happy for the people from Libby, but I do not understand why this company is so powerful that the entire nation gets to pay for their booboos... and what will that cause to happen from here on with other huge corporations.

You know, I grew up in Libby and I personally wish I could walk into a WR Grace convention and release a bag full of vermiculite dust using a leaf blower, you know, just to see how they
feel about it all after that...

They could of just once, at the very least, somehow, said, um I"M SORRY.


Brian Nee said...

Tracy, I don't believe there is any real sorrow felt within the corporate cronies who pulled this off, when they were alive to reconcile it that is. A lot of money was made by a small group of opportunists, but these opportunists knew full well what they were doing when they were doing it, evident in the blatant memos that the judge discarded during the trial which depicted the deliberate actions which were taken by Grace to sidestep the EPA. In the end you judge people by the acts they commit not by the words they hide themselves behind and W.R. Grace committed themselves to one of the most destructive paths ever taken in the history of this nation towards profit. Mankind has proven historically to be a greedy, self serving, undermining machine. This is just the new evolution.

I think your idea with the leaf blower would be a well deserved form of justice but unfortunately qualifies as assault. You know, I don't think they thought much about assault during this country's first revolution. Funny how that goes...