Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Commodity markets and the manipulators controlling us all

What troubles me foremost about our society is our economy: the state of disrepair that it's in, how it actually works, the creative and worthless ways in which wealth is accrued by the wealthy in the 21st century and how controlled we all completely are by something as fictitiously unparalleled as money. If the game we are wallowing in was played on a level field, served our country rather than particular classes and had actual rules we were all bound to, then yeah I would be all gung ho for the American Dream, yet the sad fact is that the Dream has been one of the worst pieces of fiction ever paraded around to the public. Yes it has been a Dream, but in the utmost worst of the sense, as the American public has been asleep far too long at the wheel, dreaming up ways to make money without hard work or actual social worth. Take the $100,000,000.00 benefactor Andrew J. Hall, who off the collective backbone of American gas prices manipulated his way to a fortune. It's people like him who have artificially driven up the price of oil by storing it on oil tankers and in underground oil banks, using it like the commodity driven market it's become, as it's the commodity markets which have brought this economy down, trading futures and unsubstantiated capital. But it hasn't always been this way, nor should it be allowed one moment more.

Storing oil in tanks is an example of profit being artificially created, synthetically derived and anti-socially driven. Seeing as so many wealthy, affluent capitalists are capitalizing in similar fashion off these markets, keep in mind that there is an inherent artificial depletion of oil built into this business plan, which factors into supply, assuring huge sums of profit unabated. This is not an example of free market capitalism, it's an example of controlled and manipulated markets! People such as Andrew Hall, in cahoots with other self-important wealth hording opportunists have taken to operating clandestinely together behind the scenes to dictate the direction of the markets. Wealth can do that, through shear force! In other words these predators have figured out a way to legally manipulate the system in order to extract huge sums of profit for themselves, while everyone else actually laboring in life, i.e. the meaningful, useful people in our society who have actually contributed to the social well being of this country, are left stuck behind at the pump paying whatever price this cruel and inept game dictates. It's fool proof, works every time and is the single reason the price of gas has been driven to the levels they were. And it's our taxpayer money which will be footing this bonus for Andrew Hall, as he was contracted through Citibank. In other words, a man whose business practices helped contribute to this economic mess is being directly rewarded for these very actions. This, America, is where we've been led by the wealthy, which is why so many need to awake from this Dream, a fairy-tales dream filled with too many bad guys! If it were only that simple, to awake from a dream...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You display an amazingly mature level of pessimism for one so young. How sad to have your sense of optimism shattered so early by the reality of capitalism and lack of moral values inherent in it. Nobel Peace Prizes are awarded to wartime presidents,and the economic future of America's youth is stolen by government and corporate thieves; yet Big Brother watches,censors, and continues to issue false reports on the state of our economy. Blessed are the ignorant, for they, unlike you, find comfort in the lies, rather than living the mental torment you experience, through knowing that our system is corrupt,and the moral fiber of our nation is now, has been, and forever will be, suffering from the trickle down effects of greed and corruption of our leaders, for generations to come, Amen.