Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Special interests in poetry: The Rhymed Revolution

This is a little journalistic experiment. Before I began American Whistle Blower I had originally envisioned a project of verse journalism based off my unpublished Empirical Tales verse novel, with the news being reported by the political personalities of my 8 diverse characters. The project was to be called the Empirical News. I wrote about 35 articles, and although I enjoyed it, it often took me 1-2 days to research and write within this rhyme scheme, whereas on this site, excluding research, I can normally complete a blog in 1-5 hours. It's just too time consuming. There are a few that are not specifically time sensitive that I will post here and there. Depending on feedback, I might write a new one now and again.

The rhyme scheme is stonerian, it runs in an AABC CCDE EEFG GGHI indefinite pattern and Connie P., in fact, is one of it's originators.

The Uncontrolled Market Diseases Our Land
By Connie P.

I continue to think of the problems we face
As a nation, who’s quickly become a disgrace
In the eyes of the world, for many good reasons
Of social and global issue.

The one thing in common I hold to be true
Is money is power and held by a few.
It’s a fact that our nation’s run by the Elite,
Whose money has tainted the law.

Consider how Bush came to power and all
The donations that Oil’s held over his jaw.
Consider the war that we find ourselves in
And the ones who have profited most.

Consider the profits that Mobil does boast
Then think of the war that does rage ‘cross the coast.
It’s a fact, and we all are responsible seeing
That justice is served in our land.

We have as American’s greatly been scammed
By Elitist interests which have left the rest damned.
And still this continues in numerous ways
In other extremes than the war.

A privatized market has no moral core
Leaving Man to their greed with themselves put before
The welfare of others, who too share the earth.
There is a problem with this.

Our market’s self centered and truly does miss
The goals of cohesive, societal bliss.
Since this all is our land, we need to prevent
The Elite from assaulting Our poor.

As if sick Oil profits in light of the War
Weren’t enough (as our gas prices endlessly soar),
Consider the profit the privatized market
Has stolen from students in need.

Financial aid should be free of such greed
But that isn’t the case, as it’s now come to feed
The pockets of those who are turning a profit,
Who’ve deceived to bring fortune their way.

There have been great admissions where companies pay
School loan officers off with gifts to display
Their name as a lender who has been preferred.
This is a special interest.

Some students, therefore, have been greedily pressed
To take private loans that were not in the best
Of their interests, but were of the private lender‘s,
When federal funds did exist.

So trusting, poor students, green under the wrist,
Do fall to the greed of the Capitalist,
Who haven’t provided a worth or a cause
Besides their own selfish pursuit.

We need an economy functioned to suit
The good of us all, not the ones with the loot.
Where is the sense in allowing this practice
When so many lose in the end?

Is it only the rich who are meant to contend
In this equal society, so many pretend?
What is so great of our capitalism
When deception is guiding our way?

We need regulation, at least to allay
The threat the Elite do continue to play.
We cannot allow those with money to pay off
Another for personal cause.

We need to reform the breadth of our laws
And account for the numerous, obvious flaws
Our current lax system allows the Elite
And make special interests a crime.

We need rethink how we come to assign
What business is fair with what crosses the line
As acceptable standards for turning a profit.
Money’s not reason enough.

We need to realize that without getting tough
The Elite will systemically make it more rough
On the ones who support their Elitist lifestyle.
We need to take back what was Ours.

I wrote this on 8 July 2007, one of my last completed. There was a report that had come out around that time about private lenders offering special perks and gifts to student loan officers, who would then push private loans onto naive students, when federal funds, which were better loans for the students interests, were available. And this was reported to be occurring on a widespread basis.

I heard someone recently refer to this class of elitists as the predator class and I don't think a better term could be coined. This is unregulated capitalism. This is the rich all out exploiting the poor. It's what will continue happening as long as we don't change the rules.

Such predatory parasites.

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